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Customized multiplex immunofluorescence panel

Customized multiplex immunofluorescence panel

Product Description
Case Analysis
Result display
Sample delivery

Product introduction

Multiplex immunohistochemistry is a tyramine dignal amplification (TSA)-based immunostaining technique that can multiplex multiple molecular markers on a slide. We can provide customized solutions for each project, and quickly achieve quantitative pathology analysis results with up to 9 color multiplex staining  through standardized preparation and high-throughput tissue section panoramic quantitative analysis system .We can perform qualitative, conformal and quantitative analysis of tissues, cells and proteins in the images with the help of post-staining antibody elution technology, spectral signal recognition technology and AI intelligent quantitative pathology analysis software. Finally ,the data results are visualized in the form of figures.

Product Procedure


Result Disp


Products and lead-time

Project scope Services Services

Multiplex immunofluorescence experiments  

Paraffin section Paraffin section pre-test

3 working days per indicator

Paraffin section formal experiment  

30 working days

Tissue microarray  

Tissue microarray pre-test

3 working days per indicator

Tissue microarray formal experiment    

30 working days

Scanning and analysis service

Scanning film

Multispectral imaging 

5 working days

Analysis project

H-Score scoring

3 working days

Positive rate

3 working days

Tissue partitioning

3 working days

Multi-positive Count

5 working days

Customized analysis

One project one negotiation

Article: Molecular Pathways of Colon Inflammation Induced by Cancer Immunotherapy

Molecular Pathways of Colon Inflammation Induced by Cancer Immunotherapy

Publication date: Jun 2020

Journal: Cell (IF=36.216)

Published by: Harvard Medical School et al.

Article Overview

This article provides insights into the molecular mechanisms that induce immunotherapy for enterocolitis and predicts potential therapeutic targets through Phenoptics multicolor fluorescence microenvironment analysis protocol, single-cell sequencing and flow cytometric analysis of intestinal samples from tumor patients after immunotherapy. This work provides the first detailed examination of the mechanisms of immunotherapy-induced changes in different immune cells in intestinal samples at the single-cell level. The enrichment of virulent CD8+ T cells, proliferating CD8+ T cells and CD4+ Treg cells in +CPI colitis samples was identified, and the specificity of +CPI colitis and the majority of CD8+ T cells derived from CD8+ Trm cells were verified based on TCR sequence information. Finally, the analysis of different cytokines identified potential therapeutic targets for enteritis or other irAEs induced by immunodetection site blockade.





Notices of samples delivery

1. Sample information

(1) Tissue origin: All specimens to be tested should provide accurate information about tissue type (e.g. melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, colon cancer) and species (e.g. human origin, mouse).

(2) Labeling number: Each slide or wax block should be labeled with a clearly identifiable "unique" number, and TMA slides should be provided with the chip layout and number.

2. Sample types

(1) Formalin-fixed wax blocks or slides, large pieces of tissue or TMA are acceptable.

(2) The sealing wax should not have obvious breakage.

(3) For slide samples, the tissue needs to fit snugly on the slide, avoiding folds, and the slide should not be broken, scratched or stained.

(4) The tissue should contain a minimum of more than 1000 cells.

3. Wax block requirements

(1) The wax block should be embedded with solid tumor tissue; necrotic tumor tissue, needle punctures tissue, and cytospin samples are not acceptable.

(2) Tissue should be fixed with 10% neutral formalin or 4% paraformaldehyde, with a fixation time of 18~24 hours.

(3) Samples fixed by other methods need to be clearly indicated.

(4) The wax block box should have clear and unambiguous number information (please do not just label with a simple number such as 1, 2, 3).

(5) Wax blocks should be stored in a sealed bag with the block number indicated.

4. Slides requirements

(1) The thickness of the slides should be about 3~4um. Please use anti-dislodging slides! (Very important)

(2) It is recommended that the slides should be prepared within one week after fixation.

(3) Prepare at least 2 slides for one sample to be tested.

(4) Do not add any adhesive during water bath.

(5) The sample should be placed in the middle of the slide.

(6) Place the slide upright on absorbent paper to remove water,  remove water droplets by tapping slightly. Please do not wipe the slide with paper!

(7) Place the slide on a 45 degree hot plate for 30 min (naturally drying process should not be less than 1 hour).

(8) Slides must be completely dry before transportation.

(9) Each slide must be clearly numbered!

(10) Slides must be placed in a special slide box with the number and inatitution name clearly marked on the box.

(11) If slides have obvious folds and creases.

5. TMA Requirements

(1) Provide a description of the TMA chip point map (several rows and columns).

(2) The TMA slides must be matched with the chip point diagram.

(3) Minimum core point diameter >0.6mm.

(4) TMA core points must not overlap.

(5) Test slides derived from the same TMA wax block (usually incomplete slides from TMA sectioning for pre-experimental testing) need to be provided.

6. Transportation requirements

(1) Samples from different project groups can be transported together, but each group must be placed in a separate package and be clearly marked with: project number (customer order number) \ list of sample numbers \ contact person \ mobile phone number.

(2) Wax block: placed in a separate sealing pocket.

(3) Slides: placed inside the slide box, labeled clearly.

(4) TMA: placed inside the slide box with the instructions of the slide number.

(5) Please use an efficient courier channel such as S.F. to avoid samples being trasnported for a long time.

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