Olink Precision Proteomics Analysis Service
Product Description
With the accomplishment of human whole genome sequencing, medical research has moved from genomics to the post-genomic era. The research value of proteins as functional executors of life activities is gaining more and more attention. Protein biomarkers can serve as important features in pathophysiology, bridge the gap between genome and phenotype, and have a profound impact on improving future healthcare, especially in precision medicine. However, the progress has been stunted by the lack of technologies that can provide high specificity, sensitivity, and throughput. The emergence of Olink technology, however, can break through these obstacles and accelerate the development of proteomics in the field of precision medicine.
Technology principle
Olink protein detection platform is based on the neighbor extension technology Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) for protein detection. For each protein to be detected, a pair of antibodies is designed at two adjacent antigenic epitopes, which are coupled to a specific DNA single strand with paired bases at the end of the single strand. When the pair of antibodies binds to the target protein, the two adjacent DNA single strands are hybridized and complemented and extended in an enzymatic reaction, which then forms a double-stranded template. The detection of the double-stranded template using microfluidic qPCR or NGS enables the quantitative analysis of the protein. This technique cleverly converts protein quantification to DNA quantification, solving the problem that proteins cannot be amplified, thus enabling the detection of trace amounts of proteins.
Technical advantages
1. High specificity: High specificity by using two antibodies to recognize one protein, labeling and full validation by Barcode.
2. Wide dynamic range: The entire panel spans 10 log values, allowing simultaneous consideration of proteins of different abundance.
3. High sensitivity: The detection sensitivity is as low as fg/mL level, which can detect thousands of disease-related low abundance proteins (especially low abundance biomarkers in plasma and serum samples) at the histological level.
4. High detection throughput: 96/384/3072panel, each panel can detect 88 samples at a time. By combining qPCR and NGS high throughput detection platform, it can produce millions of protein data per week.
5. Micro sample: 48-384 protein markers can be detected simultaneously in 1μL plasma, and more than 3000 protein markers can be detected in 8μL plasma.
6. High reproducibility: strict quality control, 99.8% of proteins without cross-reactivity, mature detection platform, high data quality, good reproducibility, suitable for large data analysis requirements, and the reproducibility requirements of clinical translational applications.
Application areas
Biomarker research: disease risk assessment, disease typing, disease prediction, disease diagnosis and prognosis.
Drug discovery: drug target discovery, clinical treatment effect evaluation, basic research.